
Lightbulb Moments

Lightbulb Moments are periods in time where a lightbulb turns on for you. Where you discover more about yourself through others when unexpected situations occur. How you respond, adapt, and grow are all a part of this journey we’re on.

In great or challenging times it’s important not to get too high or low, and reading through the stories of others can offer more reflections on yourself than anything. This is my attempt to help others with such reflections by sharing the stories of people I find inspiring.

Latest Posts

  • Swap the Mantras for Balance

    I’ve taken some time to reflect recently and gained perspective I’d like to share. Over the past few months I’ve looked to my network to write their own discoveries through “Lightbulb Moments” and in doing this, it helped my own perspective more than intended. A few lessons that I discovered along the way have really…


  • Lightbulb Moments with Bruce Wang

    Bruce Wang is a buddy from the best neighborhood in San Francisco (Cole Valley – don’t @ me!). When I started Lightbulb Moments not too long ago, my mission was to surface the key moments that transformed careers and ultimately lives while also staying connected and growing my network in return. Bruce’s journey has led…


  • Lightbulb Moments with Jeff Gore

    This was an incredibly inspiring conversation I had with Jeff Gore on his Lightbulb Moments. Jeff’s a personal mentor of mine and you can see why, he’s gone through many challenges and because of his perspective, helped me get through a few challenging moments of my own by offering empathy but also a kick in…


  • Lightbulb Moments with Ed Schaffer

    “There’s something about when there’s a crisis, I become more focused but you have to do things with a heart. This is a people business and while you’re making these tough decisions, you have to ensure you have their best interest in mind.”


What’s cooking Elsewhere

About Me

Hi, I’m Tim.

I live in Cole Valley, San Francisco with my wife, Julie, and two daughters Addie and Audra. I tend to write a bunch about leading Sales teams, lately I’ve been passionate about writing other people’s stories which has been a hell of a lot of fun. I’m particularly drawn to the psychology of selling, leading people and how people make decisions and get motivation from in general.

Outside of professional, I enjoy listening to epic sci-fi, character driven novels, business books and memoirs and the occasional Stephen King while I run long distances to decompress. I’m an avid skier and cook, and am obsessed with watching my two girls grow. For a good ice breaker, ask me about my Bernese Mountain Dog and what I learned in coaching my two girls soccer teams without any soccer experience.